Minutes of Meeting held at Ruskin Park Social Club
Sunday, 10th April 2011 at 7.30 pm
Present: Les Hill, Nigel Cross, Jeff Johnson, Bryan Bickerstaff, John Harris, Linda Eccleston
Apologies: Janet Chelton, Jim Parish, Dave Savage, Dave Savage
Minutes of last meeting
These were read and approved at the meeting. There were no matters arising.
Matters Arising
Les informed the committee that he had received a letter from Glynn Pike, Treasurer from Lancashire County Badminton Association (LCBA) calling a meeting with all Leagues to sort out the problem of the payment of County fees. Some leagues reported problems collecting fees requested from LCBA.
It was noted that some clubs had not paid county fees to LCBA as they played in more than one county and were expected to pay twice. They are also expected to pay for each League and club they play in within Lancashire. To be discussed at the AGM.
Status of current league positions/ Score card anomalies
(Report by Janet Cliffe)
“Fords have won Division 1 of the Mixed League and David Lloyd won Division 2. Fords also won Division 2 of the Men’s League but Division 1 has not yet been decided but should be completed this week.
ICI and Bryn have had big problems with venue issues and there has been an increase in rearranged matches this season. Bryn could not raise a team to play ICI ‘A’ at home and away so ICI will get the points. Similarly, Y Club could not raise a team for a rearranged match and have had points deducted.”
Jeff said that they had experienced some problems with their venue because they were given just 2 weeks’ notice that the floor was been relayed only to be told shortly afterwards that there had been a change of plan.
It was noted that the only outstanding matches were between the ICI teams due to problems with the hall. It was proposed that an amendment be made to the Rules for clubs with more than one club in any division to say that games have to be played at the beginning of each half of the season.
Status of Knockout
(Report by Janet Cliffe)
“The second round between Fords and Y Club was eventually played and won by Fords by 115 points. Fords were due to play David Lloyd in the semi-final. As I was going on holiday I needed to know the situation regarding this match and David Lloyd very kindly offered to play at their venue on Wednesday, 9th March. Both clubs were aware of this date and both were asked to inform me of any problems. As I had not heard anything before I went away I assumed it was going ahead. When I returned I found out that Fords had conceded the match as they could not field a team who will to play on carpet. The final was then David Lloyd and Wesley played on schedule at the Beacon Centre. Wesley won the match by 60 points (one of my better handicaps but not as close as I would have liked). I worked out the handicap on previous matches between the 2 teams that has taken place this year and David Lloyd had won both quite convincingly. I think I underestimated my own team.
I think that enforcing the new rule that all mixed teams enter this competition has not paid off as Bryn conceded their match and some teams were not keen to enter. If this is to continue next season it would need at least 6 teams to make it viable. Also, as I keep getting the handicaps wrong I would be happy to relinquish this role if there is anyone else who would like to take it on.”
Financial Update
Janet Chelton was unable to attend the meeting but had reported earlier that the accounts showed a healthy bank balance.
Annual Tournament
This was held on Sunday, 27th February 2011. Nigel sent out entry forms to all secretaries yet when he spoke to individual players about it they were not aware of the event. All went well on the day and finished early. In the mixed there were 18 couples in groups of 3 which saved time. There were a few clubs not represented but there were also new entrants this year. There was no Vets event but some players had expressed an interest and Nigel suggested running this separately. Overall it was a very successful event and yielded another profit this year. Here is a list of the winners and runners-up:
Men’s single final –
Winner – Rob Winstanley,
Runner up – Stephen Wilson
Mixed –
Winners – Aaron Owen & Helen Everett,
Runners up – Stephen Wilson & Lucy Jamieson
Ladies Doubles
Winners – Emily Glansey & Helen Williams
Runners up – Catherine Hampson & Emma Massey
Men’s Doubles
Winners – Rob Winstanley & Andy Watson
Runners up – James MacFarlane & Stephen Wilson
Annual Dance
This has been arranged for Saturday, 14th May 2011 at Eccleston Social Club. Janet to send tickets to Secretaries.
Junior Tournament
This was held on Sunday 27th March 2011 from 9-4pm and was well attended. There were about 50 children over the 4 age groups. It ran very smoothly due to the help and support of all the volunteers on the day. Thanks to Nigel Cross, Aaron Owen, John Harris and Ian Eccleston. Because of the number of entries the games had to be reduced to 15 with the finals in the older age groups played to 21. Les came down to present the trophies to the winners and was impressed by the number of children taking part and the standard of some of the players. Trophies were awarded to runners-up this year and again made a healthy profit. Feedback from both parents and children were very positive.
Any Other Business
Following Janet’s comments regarding the Knockout Tournament, the Committee recommended setting up a review committee for the handicaps. It was also suggested that the competition run for the 2nd Division only. To be discussed further at the AGM.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be the AGM to be held on 5th May 2011 at 7.30pm at Ruskin Drive. Committee members to meet at 7pm.
Committee Members
Secretaries: DS, MO, IG, PJ, TW, SP, RS, AM, SN, BW